Public Events Co-Sponsored by the AACC during 2000

  • The Proposed Dollarization of the Ecuadorean Economy, January 21st, 2000.
    Steve H. Haunch, The Johns Hopkins University
    Rosemary Werrett, Lagniappe Letter
    Michael Henry, ING Barings
    Santiago Millan, HSBC Securities
  • The Brady Plan: The First 10 Years and Beyond, February 15th, 2000.
    By: Michael Chamberlain, Emerging Markets Traders Association (EMTA)
  • Argentina under De La Rua: Political and Economic Update, February 24th, 2000.
    Geoffrey Dennis, Salomon Smith Barney Holding, Inc.
    Michael Hood, JP Morgan & Co, Inc.
    Curt McDonald, Donaldson, Lufkin & Janrette, Inc.
    Rosemary Werrett, Latin America Information Services, Inc.
  • The Future of the International Financial Architecture, March 16th, 2000.
    By: Peter G. Peterson Morris Goldstein
  • Speaker: His Excellency Jose Luis Machinea, March 29th, 2000.
    Jose Luis Machinea, Minister of Economy
  • Forecast on Latin America: Challenges of Globalization, May 3rd, 2000.
    Co-Sponsored by AACCLA (The Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America, Washington)
  • Argentina: What lies ahead? May 16th, 2000.
    Lacey Gallagher, Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation
    Martin Redrado, Fundacion Capital, Buenos Aires
  • Speaker: His Excellency Fernando De La Rua, June 12th, 2000.
    Dr. Fernando De La Rua, President of Argentina
  • Speaker: The Honorable Carlos Ruckauf, June 15th, 2000.
    Dr. Carlos Ruckauf, Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires
  • Argentina: An Assessment of the Political and Economic Climate, July 19th, 2000.
    Joyce Chang, Chase Securities
    Sylvia Maxfield, Harvard University
    David Sekiguchi, JP Morgan & Co, Inc.
  • Meet Your International Business Partners, September 19th, 2000.
    Organized in association with:
    the Weissman Center for International Business and
    the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
  • Access by Latin America Companies to the U.S. Equity Markets: An Update, October 3rd, 2000.
    Organized in association with:
    the Colombian American Association,
    Ecuadorian American Association and
    North American-Chilean Chamber of Commerce
    John Casale, New York Stock Exchange
    Andrew Zelter, The Bank of New York
  • The Role of BLADEX in the Development of Latin America, October 26, 2000.
    Organized in association with:
    the Colombian American Association
    Ecuadorian American Association and
    North American-Chilean Chamber of Commerce
    By: Mr. Jose Casta–eda, Chief Executive Officer (Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones)
  • The Economic and Financial Agenda for Argentina, October 30, 2000.
    Organized in association with:
    the Council of the Americas and
    the Americas Society
    By: Daniel MARX, Secretary of Finance, Ministry of Economy Argentina
  • Argentina at a Crossroad, October 31, 2000.
    Organized in association with:
    the Council of the Americas and
    the Americas Society
    Ms. Amer Bisat, Principal and Portfolio Manager, Emerging Markets Debt Strategy, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
    Ms Lacey Gallagher, Director Latin America Economic Research, Credit Suisse First Boston
    Mr. David Sekiguchi, Head of Latin America Debt Strategy, Emerging Markets Fixed Income JP Morgan Securities Inc.
  • The Future of the Coalition Government: A View from Buenos Aires, November 8, 2000.
    Organized in association with:
    the Council of the Americas and
    the Americas Society
    By: Mr. Felipe De la Balze, Economist, Argentina
  • How to Grow your Business through Global e-commerce, November 17, 2000.
    Organized in association with I B Net,
    the International Business Network and
    IBM Global Services