Important auctions are expected for wind energy

The government is close to rule on the Law for the Promotion of Renewable Energies approved last year, according to a meeting held between the Minister of Energy and Mining Juan José Aranguren and a delegation of the Global Wind Energy Council. The law establishes penalties for large consumers that do not consume at least an 8% of renewable energy by the end of 2017. Once the expected regulatory decree is issued, the government plans to launch an auction for 1,000 Mw/h of renewable energy. Steve Saryer, general secretary of the Council reported that the meeting with the Minister was promising, and that companies will gradually return to invest in Argentina. The delegation included representatives of leader companies  like Vestas, Gamesa, Iberdrola, Siemens, Det Norske Veritas, NRG Systems, Mainstream Renewable Power, AWS Truepower and Vaisala, among others. Sawyer stated that they expect that the prices per Mw/h will at least double in the first auction the prices that are being paid in countries like Perú, which are around US$ 30 per Mw/h. Law has a maximum cap of US$ 113 per Mw/h